
Friday, October 22, 2010

1940's Endicott Johnson Lace to Toe Work Boots

Fantastic pair of 1940's lace to toe work boots made by Endicott Johnson. Oddly described as "monkey boots" (ex-mod or skinhead seller?), they have a rich brown color and are in fantastic shape. Some lucky winner spent $360 for these on ePay.


Monsieur C. said...

wow, great pair of boots!!

rman said...

Monkey boots are what the japanese call them. I'm the one that sold them. Too bad they didnt fit me! Old Dead head, not skin head.

Shoya said...

im one of the old dead heads. i dint know they are called lace to toe boots, now making sense to me.

Matt Strickland said...

Funny, monkey boots are a kind of boots that skinheads and mods wore in England in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's.

These are monkey boots:

Sort of a lace to toe chukka boot.

Tones In My Bones said...

Mine were black suede ones by Na-Na! Cool looking but uncomfortable as hell!

Matt Strickland said...

I remember Na Na's! Too funny!!! They used to supply all the Doc Martens to the stores here in Detroit.

Unknown said...

Hey I want to know which are the most comfortable shoes for women? I'm looking for a cheap one which should be waterproof and light in weight.

Unknown said...

Having the perfect pair of boots can really be handy. They render loads of benefits. Apart from just protecting your feet from germs and bacteria present outside, they also safe-guard it from injuries! best boots for women


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